We are Papillon
As an organization, we strongly stand and believe in the power of an inclusive society. We offer a dynamic community by and for young people with multicultural backgrounds, with a mindset to empower young women.

Become a Volunteer
Opportunities to meet new people, expand your network and have fun. Participate in one of our workshops where you can try your hand at something new or develop important life skills
Guidance and Counseling
When you need someone to talk to, we are here for you in a variety of ways.
Learning opportunities
Programs designed to center the experiences, perspectives, and unique potential of multicultural young people.

Sign up to our newsletter

Become a volunteer
Volunteering in Papillon is important because it contributes to social inclusion, which in turn contributes to an experience of community and belonging.
Do you share our passion for creating a more inclusive society? Volunteering in Papillon is a good opportunity to share your time, knowledge and experience to create a positive change in society.
Upcoming Events
every Thursday

At the our office
We offer:
- Individual guidance if you have questions about your health
- Career guidance and jobseeker assistance
- Studies guidance
- Network building
Where and when?
Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday : Nygårdsgaten 2a, i 2etg. Kl13.30 - Kl.16.00.
You can also get in touch in our online chat: papillonbergen.no/contact/chat
Whatever you're facing, we'll be here to support you on your journey. Send us a message today to start the conversation. You are not alone. (it's completely free).
Papillon Bergen
13:30 - 16:00

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Flerspråklig videokampanje
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